Intro Note: This post is the part 2 in the series. Here you can find part 1, part 3, part 4 and part 5. In the first part (part 1) we’ve designed, trained and evaluated a very simple NN with 3-in...
Machine Learning on Embedded (Part 1)
Intro Note: This post is the first in the series. Here you can find part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5. Since 2015 I was following the whole machine learning hype closely and after 4 years I can f...
Losing the wagon
Intro This post is not about a stupid-project, but it’s a bit more philosophical and it’s about losing the wagon. Well, life has many wagons, but let’s narrow it to the technological and engineeri...
STM32 cmake template (with more cool stuff)
Intro While I’m still waiting for some parts for my next stupid project, I was a bit bored and decided to clean up my STM32 cmake template that I’m usually using for my bluepill projects. I mean, ...
EMC probe using RTL-SDR
Intro This stupid project is a side project that I’ve done while I was preparing for another stupid project. And as it was a fun process, I’ve decided to create a post for it. Although it’s quite ...
NanoPi-Neo4 Yocto meta layer
Intro Embedded Linux & GPU 3D acceleration… Say no more. When you get those words together then hell brakes loose. Well, it depends, though. If you’re using Yocto or Buildroot and choose a BSP...
Overclocking the stm32f303k8 (Nucleo-32 board)
Intro Note: because I had to recover the db and there wasn’t a backup of this post, the oscilloscope screenshots and the comments were lost 🙁 Few weeks ago I’ve done a stupid projectherein wh...
Linux and the I2C and SPI interfaces (part 2)
Intro Note: because I had to recover the db and there wasn’t a backup of this post, the images are only thumbnails and the comments were lost 🙁 In the previous stupid project I’ve implemented...
Linux and the I2C and SPI interfaces (part 1)
Intro This is the first part, you can read the second part here. Most of the people that reading that blog, except that they don’t have anything more interesting to do, are probably more familiar...
STM32F373CxT6 development board
Intro Probably most of you people that browsing places like this, you already know the famous blue pill board that is based on the stm32f103c8t6 mcu. Actually, you can find a few projects here tha...